There are a total of numCourses courses you have to take, labeled from 0 to numCourses - 1. You are given an array prerequisites where prerequisites[i] = [ai, bi] indicates that you must take course bi first if you want to take course ai. Return true if you can finish all courses. Otherwise, return false.
LeetCode-207: There are a total of numCourses
courses you have to take, labeled from 0
to numCourses - 1
. You are given an array prerequisites
where $prerequisites[i] = [a_i \space, b_i]$ indicates that you must take course $b_i$ first if you want to take course $a_i$.
Return true
if you can finish all courses. Otherwise, return false
We will be discussing two approaches to solve this problem:
I started with a rather simple approach to solve this question (which did not work for some test cases). My idea was to keep track of the courses that are prerequisites for each course using a HashMap
On a high level, the algorithm can be described below. A pair of $[course, dependency]$ denotes that course
is dependent on dependency
if that is the case (cyclic).dependency
is already present in the HashMap
. If yes, this means, we have already calculated all the dependencies for this dependency
and check if the current course
is present in the list of dependencies. If yes, return false
as this is a cyclic dependency.course
and add current dependency
to it.Here is a Java implementation of the above approach:
public boolean canFinish(int numCourses, int[][] prerequisites) {
Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> dep = new HashMap<>();
for(int[] schedule : prerequisites){
int course = schedule[0];
int dependency = schedule[1];
if(course == dependency){
return false;
} else if(dep.containsKey(dependency)){
Set<Integer> vals = dep.get(dependency);
for(int val : vals){
if(val == course){
return false;
Set<Integer> vals = dep.getOrDefault(course, new HashSet<>());
dep.put(course, vals);
return true;
As mentioned previously, this approach does not work for all test cases. Consider the following test case:
The above test case will return true
using the above approach. However, the correct answer should be false
as there is a cyclic dependency. This happens because I was not considering any transitive dependencies and only checking the immediate dependencies present in the HashMap
For example, in the above test case:
is added to the HashMap
, entry 0:{2}
is also added.[2,1]
, we see that 1 is already present in the HashMap
and we check if 2 is present in the dependencies of 1. Since 2 is not present, add a new pair 2:{1}
to the HashMap
and returns true
.But this is where the problem lies as we can see that there is a cyclic dependency in the graph. In this case, during the second iteration, as 0
is already a known dependency for 1
, we should also add 2
as a transitive dependency for 1
which would have helped us to identify the cyclic dependency.
From this implementation, we can see that we need to consider the transitive dependencies as well which points towards a graph problem.
If we consider each course
as a node and draw an edge from $b_i \to a_i$ā for any prerequisite $[a_iā \space, b_iā]$ we get a directed graph. In this case, the problem can be reduced to finding if there is a cycle in the graph.
There are a few of ways to implement cycle detection in a DAG. We will be discussing an extension to Kahn’s Algorithm i.e. Topological Sort approach to solve this problem:
to the queue.1
, add it to the queue.If in the end, the number of nodes visited (removed from queue) is equal to the total number of courses, return true
. Else, return false
Here is a Java implementation of the above approach:
public boolean canFinish(int numCourses, int[][] prerequisites) {
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> graph = new HashMap<>();
int[] indegree = new int[numCourses];
// populate the graph with an
// edge between from and to nodes
// also populate the indegree of to nodes
for(int[] dep : prerequisites){
int from = dep[1];
int to = dep[0];
graph.computeIfAbsent(from, key -> new ArrayList<>()).add(to);
// let's populate all nodes
// with in-degree as zero
Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<>();
for(int i=0; i < numCourses; i++){
if(indegree[i] == 0){
// BFS from nodes with zero indegree
int visitedNodes = 0;
int from = queue.remove();
// reduce the indegree for all
// of its neighbors
for(int to : graph.get(from)){
// if new indegree is zero
// add to queue
if(indegree[to] == 0){
return visitedNodes == numCourses;
The overall time complexity for this approach is $O(N+M)$ where $N$ is the number of courses
(nodes) and $M$ is the size of prerequisites
Similarly, the space complexity for this approach is also $O(N+M)$ due to:
to represent the graph with $N$ nodes.Queue
used to store the nodes with zero indegree. This again can have a maximum of $N$ nodes.indegree
array to store the indegree of each node. This array will have $M$ elements.Be notified of new posts. Subscribe to the RSS feed.